Can a Fitness Tracker Help Improve Your Health?

How often have you headed out for a walk and found someone wearing a smartwatch or fitness tracker? Given that about one in five people own one, you will likely have encountered numerous people wearing them.

Many wear fitness trackers to track their step count, log their workouts, monitor their sleep patterns, measure their heart rate, or align their training to their menstrual cycle. These devices can serve as great motivators for leading a more active lifestyle. A study found that people wearing fitness trackers walk an average of more than thirty minutes daily, leading to an average weight loss of two pounds over five months while lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

So, this brings about the question – can a fitness tracker really improve your health?

The short answer is yes, of course it does. The detailed answer? That needs more deliberation, so let’s explore how fitness trackers can improve overall health.

Manages Diabetes

People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes can integrate a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device with a fitness tracker to help manage blood sugar levels. CGM devices have a small sensor that transmits glucose data to an insulin pump and a fitness tracker. Therefore, you are alerted promptly if glucose levels are too high or too low or if you run short of insulin.

Helps Monitor Heart Health

Not long ago, ECG (electrocardiogram) machines were only accessible at hospitals. Now, a small device like a fitness tracker can measure the heart’s electrical rhythm using the sensors on your wrist. But can you trust this to monitor your heart health?

In many ways, yes. Trackers serve as an early warning system for heart rhythm issues. A condition known as atrial fibrillation is where the heart beats irregularly and too fast. If it’s not treated, it can cause blood clots and increase the chance of a stroke and other heart complications. On the flip side, when your heart beats too slowly, it can prevent your brain and other organs from getting enough oxygen, posing different health issues.

Fitness trackers are now more sophisticated and alert you if an abnormal heartbeat is detected. You can use it alongside guidance from your healthcare provider. However, if you have an existing heart problem, you should discuss the best option with your doctor and get precise details on how to use a monitoring device. This way, you will know what to do if you get an alert.

Helps In Getting Better Sleep

A fitness tracker contains sensors that monitor and record the quantity and quality of your sleep. These can serve as an important metric for emotional and cognitive health and aid in weight management. Additionally, it monitors heart rate, body temperature, and the date of your next period. A sleep tracker on your smartwatch or sleep ring can help you identify any patterns that require changes in your daily routine.

Motivates You To Become More Active

A fitness tracker makes you more aware of your activity throughout the day. It reminds you to move, sets fitness goals, suggests workouts, and helps you become more active. Moreover, having access to data about your daily movement habits is a huge eye-opener. If you’re not getting enough exercise, the information this device provides can motivate you to make healthy changes to your daily routine.

When you start focusing on metrics like your daily step count, it encourages you to maintain a consistently active lifestyle.

Are There Any Risks Of Using A Fitness Tracker?

There are no health-related issues associated with using a fitness tracker. However, there is a risk of developing an unhealthy relationship with it, which can result in health issues. Just as with anything else, getting overly addicted and consumed with fitness trackers can raise anxiety levels. If you find that you’re obsessing too much over it, it’s time to unplug for a while and find that balance. Use the tracker to motivate you towards a more active lifestyle, but don’t let it rule your life.

Don’t compromise your mental health in pursuit of a more active lifestyle. If you don’t hit your numbers every day, that’s fine. But obsessing over them can ruin your health and your peace of mind.

Another crucial thing to remember is that a fitness tracker should never replace your doctor. Yes, your tracker should give you a heads-up if you have an abnormal heartbeat, but it cannot detect every heart problem.

Bottom Line

If you can leverage technology to lead a healthier lifestyle, that’s fantastic! Of course, it’s not just about jumping on the bandwagon of everyone wearing fitness trackers; you should do it for yourself. If you want to get the most out of your fitness tracker, wear it daily. This way, it can collect more data and help you to achieve your fitness goals. Secondly, set realistic goals and use the tracker to monitor your progress. Celebrate every milestone you hit and reward yourself with a day off, a new pair of shoes, or anything that serves as an incentive to maintain consistency.

If you want to have a workout buddy, you can use the fitness tracker to join family, friends, or social media groups. You can set daily or monthly challenges to stay motivated. And finally, while consistency is critical, don’t be obsessed with your tracker. Just have fun with it!