8 Signs That Someone Is Lying, According to Science

Have you ever caught someone lying to you? Catching a liar can make you feel invincible. Whether you’re at work, chatting with friends, or amid a heated argument, we’ve all been in situations where something doesn’t feel right. While you wish you could always trust your gut feeling, the fact is that identifying an untruth is more complicated than it looks. Thankfully, science can help us break the code of dishonesty. Scientists and specialists have recognized warning indicators that someone might be fibbing by analyzing tiny signals and body language.

Here are 8 indicators of lying according to science, which may help you spot the truth when something looks off.

Excessive Nervousness

If someone is showing signs of anxiety, like sweating, trembling, or shaking their foot, it doesn’t always mean they’re being disingenuous. But, high amounts of nervousness can indicate an attempt to hide the truth. Lying activates the body’s stress response, resulting in a release of adrenaline and a variety of physiological responses. For instance, a liar may clear their throat frequently, talk in a high tone, or touch their face more than usual. According to scientists from the University of California, Berkeley, such nervous behaviors frequently arise when someone feels the burden of being dishonest. Therefore, when someone’s normal behavior suddenly changes to being excessively anxious, it might mean that they’re hiding something.

Variations in Speech Patterns

If somebody’s speech pattern changes, it can symbolize deception. People tend to talk differently when they’re being dishonest. You might hear a liar pausing more often, speaking more softly, or stammering as they try to voice a convincing story. According to a study from the University of Massachusetts, liars frequently use unclear language and speak in general instead of giving specifics since they’re trying to avoid being caught in an illogicality. For example, a liar might say, “I wasn’t there at the time,” instead of presenting precise facts about their whereabouts. Focus on the changes in clarity, tone, and speed of speech, as these can be signs that somebody is creating a fake story.

Uneven Body Language

There’s a famous saying, “Actions speak louder than words, ” which relates very well with lying. While a liar may try to limit his speech, his body language might reveal the reality. Body language irregularities are one of the most common indicators of lying.

Studies have revealed that liars may knowingly or unintentionally exhibit gestures that conflict with their speech. For instance, someone might say, “I’m okay,” but their body language could indicate the opposite of what they’re saying. This may include looking stressed, crossing their arms, or avoiding eye contact. Such non-verbal communication can demonstrate that their words aren’t entirely truthful.

Being Defensive or Aggressive

When somebody gets confronted or caught in a falsehood, they try to self-justify or even show aggression. If you ask a straight question or bring up a fact of debate, a deceitful individual may answer with annoyance, rage, or allegations of “not trusting them.” This behavior is meant to divert focus from the lie and put you off course. Being caught in a falsehood activates a defense mechanism. The liar’s brain takes the question or allegation as a threat, causing them to respond with increased feelings to defend themselves from being caught.

Avoiding Direct Eye Contact (or Going Overboard with It)

We’ve all heard the proverb: “Liars can’t look you in the eye.” While it’s not true in all cases (as some introverts are naturally shy or nervous), eye contact does play an essential role in catching a liar. Research shows that people frequently change their eye contact when they lie. Some may avoid eye contact because of the fear of being caught out. Others, however, may try too hard by gazing too much to show their honesty. The distinguishing element here is to look for differences from their normal behavior. If someone avoids eye contact but suddenly keeps staring, or if they usually have eye contact but start looking around anxiously, it could be a symbol that they’re hiding something from you.

Excessive Claims of Denials

Some people try to show their sincerity by repetitively claiming they’re telling the truth; however, according to professors, this may have the opposite result. When someone is fibbing, they might present too many pointless denials. They’ll say things such as, “I’m telling the truth, I swear,” or “I would never lie to you,” to prove their honesty. This necessity of confirming their sincerity can be an effort to cover things up. While it’s normal for someone to disagree with an allegation, the number of times it’s repeated and the strength of the denial can hint that they’re trying very hard to make their story convincing.

Displaying Inconsistent Facial Expressions and Emotions

When someone lies, their emotional comebacks might not match the circumstances or what they’re saying. If a person is talking about something shocking or sad but their facial expressions continue to be too calm or flat, that could indicate dishonesty. Likewise, suppose someone is telling a somber story, but their facial expressions seem different (for instance, laughing or smiling when talking about something distressing). In that case, it’s probably because they’re not being honest.

According to Paul Ekman, a professional on facial expressions and emotions, “emotions that are leaked through micro-expressions often give away a liar.” These indicate that facial expressions may challenge someone’s words, exposing their actual feelings. Displaying inconsistent facial expressions and emotions can be a vital sign to look for, especially in people who naturally have an even emotional reaction to circumstances.

Unusual Breathing Patterns

Have you ever noticed someone breathing more heavily or faster when talking to you? This happens when someone is lying, as their body is under pressure. The body’s nervous system, which activates the “fight or flight” mode, takes over when someone is anxious or panicking about being caught. This can lead to unevenness of breathing or breathing too shallowly. For instance, a liar may breathe faster or even take swift, deep breaths to try to relax. A quick change in breathing patterns may show that the person is trying to cover something.


While there is no guaranteed technique to catch a liar, observing close indicators can help you identify something that doesn’t feel right. From uneven body language and facial expressions to being too nervous and having variations in speech patterns, science has exposed many signs that can show dishonesty. By noticing these signs and using your instinct, you’ll be able to identify dishonesty since the truth lies just below the surface.

Thus, the next time you doubt someone isn’t being truthful, keep these scientifically supported signs in mind and believe your observations. Being a little conscious can help catch a liar and expose the truth. From now on, you won’t need a lie detector machine since you can be one with your eyes and mind!