5 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her

Guys listen up! We know you love your wives, of course you do, but sometimes we just can’t help but feel like you take us for granted. We know that you care for us, and that we are just as important to you as you are to us, but we also need you to tell and show us that. Often. Here are just a few simple ways in which you can do that. They won’t cost you much time or money, but trust us, it’ll mean the world to your wife/girlfriend.

Be Considerate

Be considerate of your wife’s feelings, wants and opinions. Do not belittle her or make her feel like what she has to say doesn’t matter. And yes, be aware of when she’s having her monthly visitor, and don’t be angry with her if she snaps at you sometimes. Because nature is to blame for her mood swings and irrational behavior, not her.

Be Her Rock

Be the person that your wife knows will always be on her side no matter what. Even if you know she’s not entirely correct, don’t take another person’s side. When she is emotional and hurt is not the time to make her see reason. And be supportive of whatever she does. You are her number one, just as she’s yours, so what you think matters to her more than anything else.

Give Her a Break

This one is especially for those of you with stay-at-home wives with kids. She spends all day every day taking care of your kids and the house. She has no “off” time or holidays. That’s why giving her a day off is something she’ll appreciate immensely. Bundle the kids up and take them on a road trip. Better yet, take them to see their grandparents and have a sleepover for one night (if they live close by, that is). A day off for her can also turn into a romantic night in for just the two of you!

Bring Her Breakfast in Bed

Wake up earlier than her on a random day, get breakfast ready, and wake her up with a tray of deliciousness in bed. It doesn’t even matter if you are critically challenged in the cooking department, she’ll be impressed with whatever you come up with. How hard can it be to heat up some frozen waffles, dress it up with a bit of canned whipped cream and chocolate syrup, pour a glass of orange juice, and arrange them on a tray with a few flowers?

Tell Her You Love Her

Yes, it’s that simple. Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, time goes by in a blur. And before you know it, it’s been days since you’ve uttered the words “I love you” to each other. You might say it as a force of habit, but when was the last time you looked your wife in the eyes, and told her how much you loved her? Do it now, do it when she’s washing the dishes, and when you leave for work in the morning.