Where in the world do you live?
Chances are, wherever it is, living conditions are less than ideal. Maybe you’re city is one of the most polluted in the world, or has very high crime rates, or maybe rent is high and so is unemployment. These are just a few of the problems that many people around the world face today.
But there are a few cities around the world that present the best quality of living compared to the rest. They are analyzed and ranked according to specific criteria. But they all have one thing in common: their residents enjoy living conditions better than most of the world.
Here are the best cities to live around the world in 2017, according to the UN human Development Index. If your country is in this list, consider yourself lucky! But if it’s not, we know you’d wish you lived there, cause we do too!

11. The United States
The US ranks high in education, and is one of the richest countries in the world. They also have low gender inequality and have a multicultural population.

10. Canada
Canada ties with their neighbor down south, ranking high education and healthcare. They are also known to have a multicultural population, friendly people, and picturesque cities.

9. Iceland
The people of Iceland have one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world, at almost 83 years. The country also boasts low crime rates and pollution. Iceland is one of the pioneers in gender equality and a world leader in renewable energy.

8. Ireland
With low crime rates, Ireland is one of the safest places to live in the world. They scored really well in the rankings for best healthcare, education and incomes in the world.

7. Netherlands
People of Netherlands enjoy a lot of great life-quality boosting conditions like low income inequality, high incomes low crime rates, good healthcare, free education, cleanliness, and beautiful landscapes! What more could you want?

6. Singapore
“The Lion City” is one of the best countries to live in Asia and around the world. The people of Singapore enjoy really good standard of living, and have a life expectancy of 83 years.

5. Denmark
The country with the happiest people in the world! And why not, when they are living in one of the most picturesque countries in the world, have one of the lowest gender wage gaps, and they get free education and healthcare!

4. Germany
Education is key to Germans, and this was reinforced when they announced that all universities were free for locals and international students in 2014! They are also pioneers in technology and energy efficiency.

3. Switzerland
The average Swiss has a life expectancy up to 83 years, and their health system is pretty solid, and diseases like malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis are pretty rare. They also have education, transportation, and infrastructure.

2. Australia
Yeah, apparently living the land down under has quite a few perks to it. Education and literacy rates are pretty high, and the country is financially stable. The subtropical weather is ideal, and the country has one of the most diverse populations.

1. Norway
Norway stands proud at number 1 ranking, and for the 13th year in row, wow! They’ve earned themselves the honor by being the best when it comes to education, publicly-funded healthcare, life expectancy (currently 82 yeas), and overall standard of living!